We work with the utmost transparency to achieve our goals
We work with the utmost transparency to achieve our goals
Our strength is people
Chiesi Foundation applies policies to ensure maximum transparency to its stakeholders. The governance of the Foundation is carried out by the Management Board, the Scientific Committee and the Coordinator.
The Management Board administers the Foundation and is responsible for approving the budget and the activity plan. Furthermore, it elects the President from among its members. The President of the Management Board, legal representative of the Institution, is Dr. Maria Paola Chiesi.
At Chiesi Foundation we have a Technical Advisor Group (TAG) that guides the Foundation team in implementing the long-term strategy, builds and maintains relationships with the global neonatal and respiratory community, and provides technical support to partners in defining and overseeing the NEST and GASP programs.
Mission report
Every year a report is drawn up on the projects started and the objectives achieved. In addition, an economic balance sheet is drawn up to promptly highlight income and expenses. The Board of Auditors, with the task of supervising the correct accounting and administrative management, in accordance with the statute, issues a report each year which is attached and becomes an integral part of the report.
President of the Foundation
The Chairman of the Management Board and the Vice Chairman are elected from among the Directors of the Board itself.
The President is the legal representative of the Foundation, convenes and directs the meetings of the Management Board, ensuring the implementation of the resolutions adopted by the latter.
The President, in exceptional and specific cases, may adopt measures that he deems urgent and non-deferrable, subject to their ratification during the first available session.
In case of absence or impediment, the functions of the President are assumed and carried out by the Vice President.
The Coordinator of the Foundation oversees the activity of the same, providing for its ordinary management and implementing the guidelines established by the Statute and the decisions of the Management Board. The Coordinator is chosen by the Management Board from among its own Councilors and remains in office for three management periods. The Coordinator sensitizes the Management Board, suggesting, also thanks to the operational experience gained by them, one or more specific types of intervention. The Coordinator:
- arranges the monitoring and technical-economic reporting of the activity programs
- implements the resolutions of the Management Board
- prepares management reports
- formulates proposals, subject to resolution by the Management Board if necessary, concerning the hiring of staff and the assignment of professional tasks.
The Coordinator’s activity is rendered, in accordance with the institutional purposes pursued by the Foundation, in an absolutely free manner. The Management Board may, in consideration of the particular needs and for the pursuit of the Foundation’s objectives, assign a market remuneration to the Coordinator. In order to pursue the Foundation’s activities, the Coordinator may avail himself of an operational team.
Management Board
The Management Board is composed of a number of Directors not less than five and not more than nine and administers the Foundation. The members of the Management Board remain in office for three management periods. The Management Board meets, at the initiative of the President and at the headquarters of the Foundation, at least three times a year or also upon motivated request, addressed to the President, of at least four Directors or of one Director and the Coordinator. The Management Board is responsible, in particular: to appoint the members of the Supervisory Body; to appoint the Coordinator of the Foundation, assigning him operational delegations; to approve the Management Report, budget and final; to approve the plan of activities as well as the strategic directions of the Foundation. The activity of the Directors forming part of the Management Board is carried out, in accordance with the institutional purposes pursued by the Foundation, in a completely free manner.
Technical Advisors
The Technical Advisors may be appointed by the Management Board if particular activities of the Foundation require such support. The Foundation avails itself of the scientific support of three Technical Advisors with expertise in the neonatal field, for the part relating to the NEST program, and expertise in the respiratory field, for the GASP program. The Technical Advisors act autonomously and responsibly, but in harmony with the Coordinator of the Foundation, taking into account the non-profit and solidarity mission of the Foundation. The activity of the Technical Advisors is carried out, in accordance with the institutional purposes pursued by the Foundation, free of charge. Reimbursement of travel expenses, duly documented, is permitted. In exceptional and specific cases, which the Board itself is required to recognize as such after having acquired the opinion of the Supervisory Body, reimbursement of the mere expenses incurred by the members may be granted.
Board of Auditors
M. Ceni
R. Pagani
G. Piroli