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by Lorenzo Picicco


The Chiesi Foundation is proud to announce the success of the 2023 5×1000 campaign and to be able to thank the numerous donors who have decided to allocate a total of €133,000 to the Foundation’s projects. This result consolidates the success of previous campaigns, such as the one in 2022 in which approximately €67,000 were collected.

The funds related to the 5×1000 campaign of 2023 (which we will receive at the end of 2024) will be invested in expanding already active projects and launching new projects in line with the GASP model – Global Access to Spirometry Project. By strengthening health systems, training health workers and improving access to essential respiratory care, we aim to reduce the impact of chronic respiratory diseases on these vulnerable populations.

Thanks to the constant support of our donors, the Chiesi Foundation has been able to make significant progress in recent years in addressing the critical problem of chronic respiratory diseases, in particular chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), in the most vulnerable populations in the Global South.

What we did thanks to 5×1000

In previous years, the Chiesi Foundation has implemented high-impact projects in Peru, Guyana and Nepal. In Peru, thanks to the generous support of 5×1000 donors, we have established a partnership with SEPAR Solidaria (the philanthropic organization of SEPAR – Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica) to strengthen the skills of health personnel in the Cusco region.

This collaboration has led to improved diagnosis and management of respiratory diseases in local communities. In Guyana, 5×1000 contributions have allowed us to improve diagnostic and follow-up services for asthma and COPD patients at the Georgetown Hospital and other community clinics. These initiatives have helped improve patients’ living conditions and provide wider access to care.

In Nepal, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University, we launched a screening program for chronic respiratory diseases among brick kiln workers in the Bhaktapur area. This project aims to identify people at risk of developing COPD and other respiratory diseases, enabling preventive interventions.

The impact of chronic respiratory diseases

Chronic respiratory diseases have a devastating impact on the lives of individuals and communities in low- and middle-income countries. These conditions can lead to significant disabilities, reduced productivity, and increased economic hardship for affected families. Furthermore, caring for these patients places a heavy burden on already overburdened healthcare systems.

By investing in prevention, early diagnosis and effective treatments, we can improve the quality of life of millions of people and strengthen the resilience of these communities. COPD in particular, a progressive lung disease, disproportionately affects low- and middle-income countries due to factors such as air pollution, inadequate health care and limited access to medicines.

The Chiesi Foundation is committed to addressing these challenges through interventions based on partnerships with local organizations.

Thank you all

We express our sincere gratitude to all the donors who have decided to donate their 5×1000 to our projects. Their support is essential to enable us to contribute to improving the quality of life of countless people. Find out more about our programs and how to contribute by donating your 5×1000.

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