The future depends on how you see health in the world. We see it for everyone.

The future depends on how you see health in the world. We see it for everyone.

Simple, easy and free

In your next tax return, indicate the tax code 92130510347 to support the projects that Chiesi Foundation has been carrying out for 20 years in the fields of scientific research, training and international cooperation in low and middle income countries.

Donating 5×1000 to Chiesi Foundation is simple:


FIND the space dedicated to choosing the destination of 5×1000 of the Irpef in your Income Tax Return (CU, 730 or Modello Redditi Persone Fisiche)


SIGN in the box “ Financing of scientific research and universities


ENTER our tax code 92130510347

Dona il tuo 5x1000 a Chiesi Foundation

What we do with your 5×1000

The 5×1000 will turn into concrete help to support our projects. For example, an annual gross income of € 30,000 generates a 5×1000 of € 38 which will be used to carry out scientific research and programs in the countries where it is most needed.

Scholarships for scientific research.

Purchase of professional medical machinery.

Continuous training of medical and nursing staff.

  • The 5×1000 represents a percentage of your annual taxes, calculated based on your income. This percentage can be allocated to an organization of your choice and does not entail any additional cost for you.
  • The 5×1000, the 8×1000 and the 2×1000 are distinct instruments, each intended for different purposes. By choosing one, you will still have the possibility of allocating the others to different organizations: for example, you can decide to donate the 5×1000 to the Chiesi Foundation, the 8×1000 to a religious organization and the 2×1000 to a political party.
  • To donate 5×1000 to the Chiesi Foundation, all you have to do is indicate the tax code 92130510347 (Chiesi Foundation Onlus) in the “Financing scientific research and universities” box and add your signature.
  • If you sign without indicating the tax code 92130510347, your 5×1000 will be distributed proportionally among all the entities belonging to that group.

Any Italian citizen, whether an employee or a freelancer, can choose who to donate their 5×1000 to. The Revenue Agency annually updates the list of entities eligible for the 5×1000 benefit.

To allocate 5×1000 to an organization, you must be a taxpayer. Taxpayers can decide to donate 5×1000 of their IRPEF by inserting their signature in one of the five boxes in the UNICO, 730 declaration models, or in the form attached to the Single Certification (CU), if exempt from the obligation to submit the declaration.

The deadline is set for September 30, 2024 for those who submit:

  • 730 pre-filled
  • 730 ordinary
  • personal income.

The deadline this year is September 30, 2024 for those who submit:

  • 730 corrective
  • corrective income.

Financial resources and use of funds

Releases 2023

Scientific research and knowledge dissemination €200,695.00
International Cooperation €448,172.98
Total disbursed for institutional activities 648,867.98
Personnel expenses €235,770.93
Administrative and organizational expenses €88,707.77
Total outgoings €973,346.68

Revenue 2023

Chiesi Pharmaceuticals SpA €518,102.92
Valline Srl €150,000.00
Chiesi Italia SpA €6,028.47
Total donations €674,131.39
5×1000 (2021) €67,603.84
Other income €77,155.25
Total revenue €818,890.48

Contributions, subsidies, support received from public administrations and similar bodies in the year 2023

Dispensing body Ministry of Finance
Nature of disbursement 5X1000 of IRPEF (year 2021)
Amount disbursed €67,603.84
Delivery date 12/12/2023

Support our projects and improve the lives of thousands of people.

Support our projects and improve the lives of thousands of people.